Monday, February 28, 2011

Storyboard Idea: Reader's Theater

This is a little intro video for reader's theater.

Standard: Standard 1 (Reading Comprehension): Students will use vocabulary development and an understanding of text elements and structures to comprehend literary and informational grade level text.

Objective 3
(Comprehension of Literary Text): Comprehend literature by differentiating the uses of literary elements in narrative texts.

Opening title: And now, introducing....Reader's Theater

Sound: hands clapping moderately

Explanation of the assignment

Introduction of the the Text: Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie

Picture of my copy

Sound: hands clapping profusely

Friday, February 25, 2011

Copyright Assignment

ASSIGNMENT:  Find two videos on Youtube that use multimedia (images, music, video, etc.), and critique how well the creator of the video followed copyright. Point out what they did right, and what they did wrong for each video, and how they could correct their mistakes to make them correct. Embed the video in your blog and post your analysis on your blog for others to read and read through your group members’ critiques too. This should give you several examples of right and wrong ways to use multimedia correctly.
Title: 10 Things I Hate About Commandments
What they did right: First off, this parody is extremely well made. For the most part I think the obey most of the rules and guidelines of fair use policy. I don't think they are making any money off of it. At the end of the movie, they cite Paramount Pictures, the actors portrayed in the trailer and the singers of the songs used in the video. The original movie, The Ten Commandments, is somewhere around two hours and twenty minutes, so the 1:20 run time of the trailer is far below the allowed 10% of the original. That would be like 22 minutes!
What they did wrong: Even though the creators of this parody cited a lot of the information, I feel like they could have been more comprehensive in their citations. For example, at the end of the video, they mention in text on the screen that Usher, Fat Boy Slim, Beyonce and The Romantics' songs were used but they don't state which songs they used, which albums they came from or if they were purchased legally. Albeit, none of the songs were played for more than thirty seconds. Still, it would have been nice to know what songs were which instead of just stating the performers.
How could they correct their mistakes: Just a brief edit including the rest of the information would complete an already well done project.


Hey Everyone.
I made a website! For my informational psychology and technology class. In other words, I'm learning how to teach with technology.
It's terribly exciting.
Right now, everything on there is kind of made up, but the possibilities are endless, I tell you, ENDLESS.
It's right here.
Google makes everything so nice, so easy.
Have a lovely weekend then!