Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Podcast Assignment: Mad Scientists

English 10 is attempting something new and exciting. We are reading Frankenstein.

Yes. The one and only classic written by Mary Shelley, poor soul. There are varying attitudes toward ole' Frankenstein. It's true that the language is a bit difficult, but the story is fascinating.

In one attempt to engage the students' attention, we spent some time researching and creating a "Mad Scientist Podcast." At first, I wasn't a huge fan of the assignment. There were too many variables that could go wrong but as we are approaching the end, I am finding that it's a great assignment.

  1. Use of technology
  2. Relevant
  3. Easy to personalize
  1. Easy to be distracted from the main purpose
  2. May be difficult for some students to connect back to the text
The process:

The program that we are using is Garageband, courtesy of Apple. (Hello, mac district!) There are a couple of other programs available like Audacity which are free. Garageband is pretty user-friendly, plus, here is a handy how-to. Garageband for Dummies or a more advanced version: pdf. We spent a couple days in research from a short list of given topics. Then the students sketched out a script and recorded what they learned, uploading it to the class wiki when it was finished.


I like this assignment because it's easy enough to tailor to whatever text we are studying. I think with a couple of tweaks and bugs worked out that it can be a very effective, entertaining assignment.

Any experience with podcasting? Usage in the classroom? Pros or cons that I missed out on?